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Base do Agrupamento Pedro Alexandrino
Registos: 1 - 1 de um total de 1

Título: The Strong Family
Autor(es): Chuck Swindoll
Publicação: Londres : Word Publishing, 1991 (Estados Unidos da América)
Descrição física: 22 x 14
Notas: Encadernado - Oferta
Resumo: In the past, it seemed easy to identify the strong family. You simply looked for a house that was as cleancut as the children. Manicured lawn, trimmed bushes, freshly painted fence ... everything tidy and tasteful. Strong family, right? Truth is, the lives inside many of those well-ordered homes were in a shambles. Relationships were neglected, communication was ignored, and Christ was left in the family Bible on the coffe table.
ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 0-88070-470-5
Assuntos: Inglês | Literatura Religiosa
CDU: 811.111:82-97
Veja também: Swindoll, Chuck
Cota sumário: 811.111.:82-97 SWI / STR (ESPA)
Localização: 811.111.:82-97 SWI / STR (AEPA/ESPA) - 95/1572