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Base do Agrupamento Pedro Alexandrino
Registos: 1 - 1 de um total de 1

Título: The olympic promise
Autor(es): Lynda Edwards ; il. Emmanuel Cerisier
Edição: 1a ed.
Publicação: Harlow : Person Education,, 2011
Descrição física: 22 p. : il. + 1 CD-ROM
Coleção: (Penguin active reading. Level 1)
Notas: PNL:9-11 anos
Resumo: "There are two important things in young Nelson's life running and his Granny Sarah. Trainer Ken wants Nelson to be a famous runner. Can Nelson run for his country at the Olympic Games? And does he remember his promise to his grandmother?" (contracapa)
ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 978-1-4082-6133-0
Assuntos: Literatura infantil | Conto | Literatura inglesa
CDU: 821.111-93 | 821.111-34
Veja também: Edwards, Lynda | Cerisier, Emmanuel, 1970-
Localização: 821.111 EDW/OLY (AEPA/ESPA) - 2019/7849